The Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis, are a spectacular display of shapes and colours that crown the magnetic pole of the northern hemisphere. Here in Canada, the clear skies from the northern prairies all the way up to the arctic territories provide some of the best seats in the house.

Canada is home to many of these natural wonders. And while we take particular pride in the richness of our natural landscapes, we’re also home to a unique biological ecosystem of increasing global significance: a critical mass of brilliant minds in artificial intelligence research. Some of the most significant contributors to machine intelligence have risen through academic institutions in Montreal, Toronto and Edmonton.

Borealis AI has grown out of this moment of impact. Backed by the Royal Bank of Canada, we are a research centre dedicated to achieving state-of-the-art in machine learning through curiosity-driven research. Our shift from RBC Research Institute to Borealis AI encompasses the expansion of our scope beyond the banking world to include a broad range of societal issues. We’re dedicated to solving ground-breaking problems in diverse fields that will help communities prosper.

AI will inevitably touch every life. The potential for positive impact is astounding. Borealis AI, fiercely and proudly Canadian, is committed to ensuring we have everything we need to remain a northern light in this revolutionary, emerging space. Come join us.